Tumescent liposuction
Tumescent liposuction is considered by many plastic surgeons and patients to be the safest and most effective form of liposuction. Using a large amount of local anesthetic not only reduces pain after surgery, but also reduces bleeding, swelling and skin irregularities and makes the whole process work better.
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The tumescent liposuction procedure
Tumescent liposuction has gained a tremendous amount of popularity in recent years, mainly because it has eliminated some of the unpleasant side effects previously associated with liposuction. The procedure is similar to the traditional method, but with some differences.
Injectable anesthetics
In the first stage of tumescent liposuction, large amounts of fluids (consisting mainly of lidocaine, a local anesthetic and epinephrine, which helps constrict blood vessels) is injected into the body part being treated. The added strength of the fluid compartments of fat swelling and firm, which allows doctors to remove unwanted fat more easily and with minimal bleeding.
Tumescent Liposuction Benefits - Reduction of bruising, swelling and pain
Tumescent liposuction can significantly reduce some unpleasant side effects of other techniques. Because anesthesia temporarily reduces the size of capillaries, can significantly reduce blood loss during surgery and pain, bruising and swelling that occurs later. And because the local tumescent anesthesia, patients can avoid the side effects of general anesthesia, such as vomiting and nausea.
Tumescent Liposuction Risks
As with any form of liposuction, complications can occur with tumescent liposuction. Two risks that are unique to the tumescent liposuction is lidocaine toxicity and fluid accumulation. Lidocaine toxicity occurs when the amount of lidocaine in the tumescent solution is too high, making it difficult for the body to properly metabolize the drug. When too much solution is injected into the treatment area, it is possible to accumulate fluid in the lungs.
Variations on the procedure of tumescent liposuction
Liposuction and liposculpture "wet" and "super-wet" techniques are used by surgeons in the technique rather than dry, which fell into disgrace because of excessive blood loss that resulted and the fact that the procedure requires hospitalization. The technique of super-wet is now used more often than the wet technique and tumescent liposuction remains a popular choice. Whether you choose wet, the super-wet liposuction or tumescent depend on a number of factors, including what areas you want treated.
Wet Technique
Wet liposuction refers simply to the use of liquid injection before treatment, liposuction. To prepare for the wet liposuction, the surgeon operates approximately 100 milliliters of local anesthesia with epinephrine directly into the tissue. This results in the absence of blood loss during the procedure and reduces patient discomfort after surgery.
Super Wet Technique
The super wet technique is similar to tumescent liposuction, except it uses a solution containing less anesthetics lidocaine and epinephrine. Instead, the intravenous sedation or general anesthesia is used (because this region does not become fully anesthetized for the solution alone). Do not use a local anesthetic injected: the doctor did not wait for the swelling to go down. The operation usually lasts no more than two hours, and patients may opt for other procedures performed, while general anesthesia is in effect.
Find tumescent liposuction surgeon near you
Although tumescent liposuction has made fat removal easier and less painful than ever, must be performed by a qualified surgeon to avoid complications and obtain maximum results. Visit our directory of cosmetic surgeons to find a doctor you trust.
The Tumescent Liposuction Procedure
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